When you feel that life isn't fair......
One might think, life isn't fair. Why do some people escape troubles and others not. That is a mystery, and just part of living on this earth. The Bible says that the rain falls on the just and the unjust. In other words, it just happens. When I wrote in my blog how God has delivered me from many of my troubles, someone could say, what about me. I had troubles but I wasn't delivered from them. All I can say are two things, we each have our own story, and God loves us no matter what our story is, and also, even though I feel I have been delivered from many hard things in my life, I could also say, why did I have to go through so much in my life, while others never have to go through hardly anything. I choose to not question God. I've done that in my past, and only found out that God is worthy of our trust. I don't like going around the bend to find that out every time..
You can question God all you want, He can take it. You just don't always get the answers you would like. To simply trust Him, if you can, is better. He will get you through whatever you are facing.
Looking over my life, and seeing God in my life, through out it, even before I was a Christian, I am thankful and see His love for me. Doubting other's love for me has been my besetting sin, even God's love for me. For reasons I won't mention now, I didn't feel like a loved person growing up. To this day I am tempted to doubt other's love, and truth is, everyone certainly doesn't love us, everyone doesn't even like us, not all the time. That's okay. But, that's not true with God, He loves us all the time. He loves all of us differently, because we're all different.
God is love, so He can be nothing other then love. However, do we make it easier to please God when we love and obey Him. As humans it is true of us, when a child is loving and has a tender heart it is easier to want to please the child back. When a child is unkind and mean and rebellious, it is harder to want to please. I don't know that we can compare God to humans, but the Psalms are full of verses that say 'He hears the prayers of the righteous', (Jesus righteousness in us), and that when we pray to Him and call out to Him, He hears us.
That's all I have to say this morning, it's very early and I'm feeling quite sleepy. This is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice in it!! (...and sorry for rambling...)
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