Holiday blues?!
Scraps of Love
Holiday blues?? Holidays not what you expected? When it comes to the holidays, for many people, it is a struggle. There has never been a holiday that I haven't been tempted to get depressed, in some way or another. The holidays always tell us 'how it's suppose to be', and somehow, we always come out short. Life for most of us, is not exactly how we want it. Either, our past haunts us, or our family is not the tight knit family that we want, or we just aren't getting back near as much as we give out.
What is Christmas really about? It originated with a little baby born in a manger, to come into the world, to save us from all our dysfunction and pain, and to give us a better life, here and in the here after. Second, Christmas is about giving, giving to others, without expecting a return.
I live in an area where I walk down the street and see lots and lots of people that don't celebrate Christmas in any way, and are just looking for a handout. Down and outers. I live in a Christian community where there are lots of people who are trying to follow God. Now, if I compare with some families, intact families who never experianced the disaster of divorce and how that affects their children, I can come feeling like I'm coming out short. However, if I look around at many of the single people here, without a dear loving spouse or any children, or family, I know they feel they are coming out short. They are lonely and want what I have.
Christmas eve we will have a Christmas eve get together, and later, a wonderful service, with all of our eyes on Jesus, together, and then we will all know together, what Christmas is all about. Hope, mercy and love.
We live in an imperfect world. We can all come with feelings of disappointment, in ourselves, in others, to some degree or another. Christ came to save us from ourselves and all that is not right.
May you look to the One that Christmas is all about. Find others that are less fortunate then you, and give, expecting nothing back, except the blessing of giving. Jesus came into this world, to pay a high price, for you and me, that we could have life, and life most abundant. May you experiance this most wonderful thing that you could possibly experiance, new life in Him. Carol
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