Monday, January 29, 2007

Grand Jury duty......

This entire month I have had Grand Jury duty, voting on people (prosecutors. lawyers, dectectives, etc.), getting subpoenas for witnesses for different cases. It has been interesting, sometimes boring, often very sad. I cannot tell anyone about the cases themselves, just a little of what it means to be on Grand Jury duty. I have only 4 more days left. I have chosen to take public transportation, rather then search around the community every day, to borrow a car. (Jon and I don't stewart one of the many cars and vehicles in the community). I take 2 trains and a bus each way. It was overwhelming at first, but has been a blessing in disguise, the exercise that I have needed, going up and down the stairs, being as I sit most of the day, and fight off the treats and food that all of us bring in everyday. Instead of gaining the 10 lbs. that people often gain, after doing the jury duty for a month, I have actually lost a couple of lbs.

Last Friday we had a tour of part of the jail. Each cell holds two prisoners, and if they are over crowded, 3, one on the floor, on a mattress.(Winters are often more crowded, because some homeless people will sometimes actually commit a crime, so as they can be off the streets, have a bed, and meals in a warm building). The men (we didn't visit the women's side), are in a day room all day, all just sitting around talking, watching a little tv. There is a room with a tv, a couple of pool tables, and some weight benches. Everyone said that it smelled real sweaty in there. I have no sense of smell, lost it as a child. The library and the chapel were real nice. Heard some guys singing in the chapel, it seemed like Christians. We saw the nicer side of being in jail, but none the less, would get old, probably in a day. (By nicer side, meaning we didn't really hear the interaction of the people in jail, only them looking out the window, staring at people looking at them, like they were animals in a zoo, or something).

Our jury group has had a great time getting to know each other. It's been real interesting.

Well, I'm tired, have to get up at 6 :30 am the next 4 days, and out the house in 45 minutes. It's so cold this week, will be glad when the job is completed.


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