Dealing with stress, part two......
Hey, still dealing with stress. My job is very stressful at times, but then, who's isn't. Well, I do think mine is just a little extra stressful, but I'm learning to not get so stressed. Yesterday, I had a very much younger coworker minister to me about it. Yikes, who does this young whipper snapper think she is, telling me what to do?! After all, besides her youth, I have worked with homeless, messed up women much longer than she. Aside from the fact that her personality is one that is more self contained, holds things in more, and mine, everything is worn on my sleeve and face, and sometimes my mouth, the Bible has some good words about this, as it does for everything.... "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech , in life, in love, in faith and in purity". 1 Timothy 4:12.
My coworker, C, said, "You're being stressed is not good for you, nor for me....." (Amongst other very kind and generous words). Being an open person, wanting to always change and grow, I humbled myself (in which the Bible has tons and tons to say about pride and humility), and I agreed, yes, I must not get so stressed out about other people's problems, sins and failures.
Working in a program that only accepts women with disabilities of mental illness, recovering substance abuse and HIV/Aids, is quite a challenge. We have 18 apartments, and most of our women are doing wonderfully and are so encouraging to serve, however sometimes some women are just not ready to have the freedom of their own apartment.
Yes, if we don't have our own stresses and problems, and I have plenty of my own, than I'm carrying on the weight of other people's stresses. This world is full of them. My very best remedy, besides music, playing a computer game, watching a movie with my honey, doing a craft, is to put my trust, daily, in Jesus. To read His word and talk to God. To surrender all of my cares and woes to Him, and to know that God cares, even if it seems as if He is silent mostly, I can trust Him for everything. And I can be humble and hear a good word from even someone half my age. Just because I'm older doesn't mean that I'm not needy, and just because she's younger doesn't mean she's not wise. God's truth isn't a respecter of person's.